"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Friday, December 10, 2010

Week 7 of Teaching

Well today was the last Friday that I will ever be in PG! Only four days of teaching left. I almost can't believe it that I made it this far. My week was good overall, but it did seem to drag on a bit.

Monday- Taught my lessons which went well for the most part although the kids were a little chatty. I have become pretty attached to the students now and I know it's going to be sad leaving them next Thursday, but once I'm finished... I'm finished with school!! Finally. That night I just did lesson planning.

Tuesday- I only had to teach one lesson today because another student teacher taught a lesson. Kind of a boring day.

Wednesday- Had my last observation and it went well! My supervisor and I talked about my successes and challenges and it made me realize how much I have done and gone through. It felt very rewarding. That night Haley, Beth and I watched part of a movie.

Thursday- My lessons went extremely well today and the kids were listening so well. I feel like I control over the classroom and feel like I know my place. This was the last day of regular school for our host brother and sister so we bought them some candy and watched TV with them. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me though because there were two LOUD dogs and roosters going crazy right outside my room. That is definitely something I will  not miss.

Friday- Made it through the week. Today was pretty relaxed at school. My science lesson worked out well. We were learning about plants and did a final culminating activity. Felt good to wrap things up. I enjoy Fridays because everyone seems so much more peppy.

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