"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend in PG

This weekend was pretty chill… Saturday morning I got up, had some good pancakes and then got ready to go on a hike. About seven of us got a ride out to “Sarah’s Hill” and hiked up the pretty steep hill. It was neat and I was even breathing pretty hard, so it was kind of a workout! When we reached the top I could see all of PG, the sea and neighboring villages. It was neat to see PG from a new angle! On the climb down I went pretty fast and only slipped a couple times. I don’t know which was more challenging… going up or down.  When we got to the bottom, our host mom picked us up and I went back to the house to have a little lunch.
After lunch two girls and I went to a hotel, the Coral House Inn, to hang around the pool and just relax. It turned out to be a beautiful day. At the hotel we even met a couple who was staying there from Brainerd, MN! It really is a small world. Once I got home, I showered, ate, did a little homework then a couple of us went to birthday party for one of the people from the Peace Corp that is living down here. It was nice, but I was tired so I left rather early.
Hike on Sarah's Hill
This morning I went for a nice run, ate breakfast and then went with Haley and Beth to the Coral House Inn again. I love that place because it is so peaceful and they play good American music. It reminds me of home in a way so maybe that’s why I like it. It was cloudy all day so we just made lesson plans and did a bunch of homework. Overall, it was a productive day.

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