"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Thursday, October 28, 2010

1st Day of School

Yesterday, we all had our first full day of school. Andrea and I got up early, got ready in our beautiful burgandy skirts, had breakfast and walked to school. Our walk was so hot. By the time we got to school we were already sweating. There is no use in wearing any makeup so I think I'll give up on that. When we got to school I found out that I was switched to "Standard I" which is like 3rd grade. When everyone arrived all of the students and teachers assembled on the veranda. All of the students say "good morning teachers and classmates". Then the prinicpal introduced Andrea and I to the whole school. I had to scream, "Hi! I am Miss. Daisy" in front of the entire school. Next we went into our classrooms.

All of the students called me "Miss" or "Teach". By the end of the day some were calling me by Miss. Daisy. In the morning we said our prayers and sang songs and then I did an introductory activity with the students to get to know them. There are 22 students and the room is tiny. The kids here do not bring sweatSHIRTS here; they bring sweat RAGS. The kids were cute but very difficult to understand. On numerous occasions I had to have the students repeat what they were saying. When I asked what they wanted to be when they grow up some typical responses were: (BDF) Belize Defense Force, soldier, pilot and teacher.

During the day I just helped out the students while the teacher taught. I would chime in sometimes but for the most part yesterday was a day for observing and becoming acclimated with the class. The students did social studies, language arts, life skills and arts & crafts. For lunch, we all get an hour and a half break. This seems like quite a long time for me, but the teachers teach the specialist classes so we don't have any preps besides lunch. Oh, and my cooperating teacher is very nice. We have to be very firm with the children but when I talk to her, so is very kind. The school will take a lot of getting used to because it is pretty different.

After school Andrea and I walked down to the pier and laid down, but it was very windy. We went back and I went for a run. I then came back to a good meal of homemade tortillas, tomatoes, and these bacon/ham strips which were delicious. Andrea said that she enjoyed my face because at first I took a small, apprehensive bite, but then kept eating more because they were so good. I have been trying new foods but there are many more to try. After a shower we hung out and I looked at some homework. However, not much got accomplished.

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