"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend in Belize

This weekend was a lot of fun! On Saturday morning we got up at 5am to catch the bus from PG to Placencia, a penisula about an hour and a half from here. We arrived in a town called Independence around 7:30 and then went on a taxi boat from there to Placencia. When we got there we were all pretty shocked and excited. We stayed at a nice hotel right on the beach. First we had breakfast and then went to lay on the beach. The beach was immaculate. The sand was made of quartz so it was not as fine as the sand we are used to. It was beautiful and the water was awesome. I swam for a long time until my hands turned to prunes. We then had lunch, went for a long walk along the beach and then laid out for a while.

During the late afternoon some of us girls decided to look around the town. We found some supermarkets and a place called "Barefoot". They were having a Halloween costume party. We decided that it would be fun to go. The people there had some of the neatest costumes I had ever seen. My favorite was Avatar.

The next morning we planned to go snorkelling but the boat that we were to go on was not working properly. We had to get off for awhile and the wait was getting to us. The driver came back and he said he fixed it, but by that time we were all kind of over the whole snorkelling thing. While we were waiting we talked to this really neat young woman who came from Italy to Belize and has lived there for 6 years. She travels back everyone year but will  be moving back to Italy permantly because she doesn't feel her daughter is getting the proper education. She said that her daughter's teacher makes many mistakes and there is little for her 6 year old daughter to do in such a small town. PG is more populated than Placencia I believe. Then we decided to catch the 12:30 ferry back to Independence and then back to PG.

When we arrived back "home" I folded my laundry which was hung dry. Our family is really into conservation so they do not have a dryer. They do many things to save energy and resources. After some cleaning I went for a run. On our room home we found a guy who made necklaces and rings. He made a ring out of a nut shell right in front of us. It was pretty cool! Now time for lesson planning!

Good night friends!

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