"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

When in Dallas...

This morning we arrived at the MPLS airport at 6:30. When we were checking in we found out that our connection flight from Dallas to Belize City was cancelled due to Hurricane Richard. We had the option of either staying the night in MN, or flying to Dallas to catch the next flight at 5:00 am on Monday morning. After much discussion and indecisiveness we opted to head to Dallas! We all decided that we did not want to say anymore goodbyes, MN was rainy, and none of us have really been to Texas. So... we got on the plane. Once we arrived in Dallas we found a rather cheap motel (Motel 6- the one where they keep the light on) and settled in. Andrea, Haley, Beth and I practiced our Texan accents and then were off for a restaurant near our motel. I, of course, had a caesar salad as my last North American supper. After we ate, we visited the gift shop and then went back to Motel 6. Our motel has an outdoor pool, so we relaxed for a couple hours. Now we are back in our room watching the weather and hoping that the storm lets up. At 5 we will be heading to Miami if the storms heading from Texas to the East let up. If our flight gets cancelled I suppose we will have to stay here again. We'll see what happens! We are all enjoying ourselves and having a good time talking and getting to know each other more. :)

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