"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Perfectly Pleasant Placencia Weekend!

This weekend was wonderful. We woke up early Saturday morning to catch the express bus to Placencia ( the peninsula that we visited about a month ago).  Right away we put our things in our room and headed to the beach. It was sprinking on and off but we got in a good two hours. In the afternoon it really started to rain and by the evening it was downpouring at times. It was all good though because we were able to hang out, play cards and I finished a book. At night we went to eat at a place called the Tipsy Tuna. It is a newly re-done restaurant and bar. I had a huge fajita which looked more like a burrito. It was awesome but couldn't finish it! Don't worry... I ate the rest the next day. We went to bed at 9:30 that night. I started getting a cold so it was hard for me to sleep.

Sunday morning we went out to the beach around 6:30. The sun was up and we could tell it would be a great day. We laid out, ate a few snacks and I read a little less than a 200-page book. It was great. By the end of the day I was very pink! The waitress told me that I shouldn't lay out anymore. We finally came in around 3:45 to eat a little early dinner. Then we went to get some gelato from the best gelato place ever! I want to go back there soo bad. At 5 we hopped on a water taxi and headed back to the town of Independence. We had to sit around for half an hour on the street. Next we got on the school bus and rode it for 2 hours until we got back to PG. That night I tried to take care of my cold and just relaxed and finished homework.

Today was a good day at school. My lessons went well although it was hard to talk with my voice coming in and out. Thinking I might have to get my tonsils removed someday or something because this is the second time in 2 months that I am losing my voice! The life of a teacher I suppose. Hopefully my immunue system will be stronger than Chuck Norris one day. Anyways, it was a good day and my lessons went well. This week will definitely be busy with planning since I will be teaching a lot.

Happy Monday!

More Guatemala Photos...

Cllimbing up the waterfall

The guide helping me up- not too scared yet.

Okay, now I'm freaking out!

Did it!

Group at dinner

Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 5 of Teaching

This week has had its ups and downs and I am actually pretty glad it's over! I've been teaching here for 5 weeks and now only have 2 and a half weeks left! Kind of exciting to think that I will actually be a licensed teacher soon.

Monday- We got back from Guatemala and I had a terrible stomach ache so I did not go to school. I got ahead on some homework and just took it easy with Andrea and the other girls. It was Haley's 24th Birthday so we went to a vegetarian restaurant. We had to knock on the door of the cook and tell him we were there. He had three available things that night: Shrimp, fish, and veggie lasagna with tofu. I choose the lasagna. It was actually pretty good and it came with an awesome salad and fruit juice. All very healthy!

Tuesday- Went back to school and the kids had to take three different exams. The students actually enjoy taking exams and have to pay $2 because the teachers have to run off so much paper. My day at school was okay but it was a little boring because I just read the test questions to the students all day. That night Haley, Beth, Andrea and I had a little movie night on my bed with popcorn. It reminded me of home and I thought about how much I want to go to a movie theather when I get back. Can't wait!

Wednesday- Worst teaching day of my life. Ever. I arrived at school late because I had to go to the market to buy salad for Thursday's dinner. When I got there 5 minutes before the bell the principal told me that my cooperating teacher was out ill. I was to give three exams but I couldn't find them right away. I finally found two of them and the other one I had to make up on the spot. The students were not listening and I was trying so hard not to break down the entire morning. I gave the first spanish exam which was quite a struggle. The students couldn't read the words in spanish so I had to explain everything one by one. Everyone was on different questions and it was an absolute mess. After I got through that, I read a story to the students. They again were not listening too well but it was better than the test. Next was break and I was so stressed I had a girl buy my nachos at 10:00 am to drown my sorrows in. After break I threw in a comprehension activity for the students to do. This went okay but the kids were constantly asking me questions. If you have ever seen Sex and the City 2 when Charolette ends up crying in her cupboard after her daughters are really loud and stressing her out that's what I felt like times ten. Finally it was lunch time and I thought I was okay but then I just broke down especially after I opened my $170 phone bill. It felt good to let everything all out though. I then went back to school and the afternoon was a little better. I gave a Scripture exam which was pretty challenging for the students. Then I played silent ball and "Around the World" with the kids. After the break I gave them the health exam that I made up. At the end of the day I told the students to just go home because I was so stressed. I was very relieved when the day was over. That night I just did a lot of homework.

Thursday- Went much better! My math and language arts lessons were good and the students responded well. Teaching subtraction with regrouping and borrowing was difficult for the students but overall it was a good introduction. That night we had a huge Thanksgiving dinner at Ms. Elena's house. Andrea and I made salad and corn. I ate sooo much but it was absolutely delicious! I miss my grandma's pumpkin pies but oh well.... I will get one in less than a month now! I also got to talk to my grandma's and my dad. That made me very happy and made me want Christmas to be here already. Soon enough it will be though. I was a little upset that I got cut off from one of my grandma's calls but I will have to try again when I get another phone card.

Friday- Today was Children's Day!! Such a fun day. In the morning we went to the church to sing songs, pray and the classes gave little presentations. Being in the church made me feel really good and seeing the smiles on the students' faces was joyful. Next we had  a little break then we joined Infant 2 (1st grade) to watch a movie. The students (and myself) loved it. The movie was completed with popcorn and snacks. After the movie we had BBQ! So yummy. There was BBQ chicken, tortillas, beans, coleslaw, soda, cake and brownies. I was so full and decided that I need to cut down on the splurging soon. After lunch the different classes played volleyball. I even joined in on a teachers versus Standard 6 (7th Grade) volleyball match. We won! I stunk but I did help the team out a little. After school some of us girls just went to relax on the pier. Now I'm just going to do some homework so I'll have an easier weekend.

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and were able to spend time with the people they love!

Monday, November 22, 2010

More of the hike...

There were breathtaking views like this the entire way.

We had to walk up this.

Ashley crossing...
( More to come tomorrow... too tired to stay up any longer)

Best Part of the Trip Yet! Hiking the Waterfalls in the Guatemalan Rainforest- Part1.

This is where our captain dropped us off.

Up the stairs..

The plant that is said to cure diabetes if you drink the juice every morning...

Worship area.

So the waters were raging and we had a tiny cord to hang on to. At first I thought this was scary, much to my surprise it only got more challenging (but awesome).

Some of the group hiking up the first part of the falls.

Around the Town of Livingston, Guatemala

Community Laundromat

Concrete Playground

Beth on the see saw!


Yes. There were two of these delightful creatures in the children's playground.


Didn't see any monkeys, but there were kids climbing in the trees!

Our Less Than $4 a Night "Hotel" room

Our Beds.


The Bathroom.


The Shrimp.

The Fish.

More of the Boat Ride...

Missy & Darren All Smiles!

Beth & Me Having a Ball

Guatemala! We see land!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boat Ride to Guatemala

Cultural Day- November 18th

kids... kids...kids...

Culture & Guatemala

This past week has been packed with a lot of great experiences! During the week I taught my lessons and helped my cooperating teacher with some. Overall the kids have been behaving fairly well. They have their moments but I have been using a lot of positive reinforcement which seems to be paying off. I still need to be firm and consistant, but the students respond well when I applaud or notice their efforts. On Wednesday our class got ready for the school's cultural day on Thursday. Our class was assigned to create a booth about the Creole culture. The Creole people originated when British Baymen mixed with African slaves. A Creole person is defined as a person of both European and African ancestry. When these people came to this land they were forced to speak English but altered their words to make a language of their own. Thus, the Creole language was established.  During this week I learned a lot about the five main cultures of Belize. It was very interesting. In the States I don't think we celebrate our different cultures as much as we should. My experience with the rich culture here will definitely be something that I bring back to my teaching.

On Thursday we set up our booth and we walked around to look at the other four booths. I really enjoyed the day but after awhile I was getting a little bored of just looking around. However, in the afternoon the dancing portion of the day took place. Each class created a little dance or play for the entire school to watch. The dances/plays were performed in the school volleyball court. At this time, the group of older girls, two other teachers and I performed our dance. It went well! I was even dressed up in Garifuna wear so it made it more exciting. My suit kind of looked like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz's dress, but it worked! Andrea had a pink costume. As we walked to and from school many of the locals kept thanking us for celebrating their culuture. They were so happy with us which made us feel good.

After school we came home, did a little homework and then went to hang out with my cooperating teacher and another teacher, Janice. They showed us around the town and took us to some drummings. During intermission I had a chance to practice my drumming skills. It was fun but boy did it make my arms hurt. I can't imagine how hard the drummer's arms hurt after playing for so long. While we were out some of our group informed us that we would be leaving for Guatemala on Friday morning (the next morning) rather than Saturday morning. So I went home, packed and went to bed to wake up around 6:30.

The next morning it was raining heavily. I was very thankful that I purchased a raincoat to bring on this trip at the moment. I walked to customs while eating a delicious tortilla. When I arrived the group was there and then Darren from our group started joking that he forgot his passport. Everyone laughed until I realized that I actually did forget mine. So, I dropped my stuff and ran all the way back home in the heavy rain. It was pretty frustrating, but it all worked out. I arrived back and we still had to wait forever for the boat to arrive. When we got on the boat is was still down pouring. The customs people said that they would have plastic for us. I envisioned that we would all be getting nice big ponchos to cover up with. Yet, that was exactly the case. We were handed soaking wet plastic tarps to cover four people up with. We were laughing at our struggle because there wasn't much else we could do. Then we took off on the worst hour and a half boat ride of my entire life. I could not see land in any direction, the waves were crashing over the boat, I was soaked and it was so bumpy. Every once in a while I would just look at Beth and laugh. Luckily there was a middle-aged man from Australia or something on my right that kept telling me that it would all be alright. Fortunately, he was right. We finally made it to some port in Guatemala. We got off the boat to discover a worn down town that was very scary. None of us felt safe in this town so we decided to ask if we could go to a different town. My spanish skills really came in handy during this whole trip. Haley and I kept bouncing words that we knew off of each other just to get through the trip. Anyways, in this weird town we found a guy who said that he could take us to Livingston which is a safer town. I asked (in spanish) to see his license. He showed us and we decided that it would be our best option to go with him. The boat ride wasn't too bad and he showed us to a decent hotel.

The hotel in Livingston only cost me $3.75 US a night. Very cheap but we definitely only got what we paid for. The room was pretty disgusting but it had beds, a toilet (with no seat), a gross shower and a sink. So... it worked. Once we got settled in our luxurious "hotel" we had a little lunch. I had chicken which wasn't that good but luckily there were tomatoes and fries for me to eat. Some people ordered fish and the fish actually look like a deep fried whole fish. I don't think anyone could have paid me to eat that. Other people ordered shrimp and they still had their eyes. Poor Beth was really grossed out but she was brave at ate them anyways.

After lunch we walked around town. I was expecting some really nice shops with beautiful  jewelry but that wasn't the case. I found one good store but the rest were kind of chincy. After shopping we went to a restaurant called "Happy Fish". I had grilled chicken and salad which was pretty good. It ended up being expensive.. well at least is seemed so. It was 100 quentzales (Guatemalan currency) which would be 25 Belizean so really only $12.50 US. I really had to use a lot of my math and spanish skills this weekend. After dinner we went to bed and slept for about 12 hours. It was nice but the bed hurt my back and we only had one thin sheet.

The next morning we went to breakfast at a place called Baga Mama. I had banana pancakes and they were yummy!! After that we took a boat ride to a beautiful park with waterfalls. Before entering the rainforest I saw a sign on a tree that said "Nany cura la diabetes". I asked the man inside the hut what that tree did and he said it is supposed to cure diabetes. A liquid is squeezed from the leaf or the fruit and a diabetic person is supposed to drink some every morning. I thought about taking some leaves but I didn't think they would last all the way home. Then we started our hike. It was a lot of work but the scenary of the rainforest was gorgeous. I was so happy at this moment.  I got wet and I regretted bringing my phone but luckily it avoided any water. At the end of the hike was a decent sized waterfall. I was hesistant at first but after a couple of our group members went I decided to jump off of it as well. It was scary but I was so glad I did it. Then we hiked back, went to change and went to have a long dinner at Baga Mama again. I had a good meal and our group just talked and relaxed. It was very nice.

This morning we took a much better boat ride back. It felt good to be back in PG but the day is going by very slowly. I am starting to really look forward to going home. Overall, good week but now I want to relax!

Can't wait to see everyone again!!!