"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 5 of Teaching

This week has had its ups and downs and I am actually pretty glad it's over! I've been teaching here for 5 weeks and now only have 2 and a half weeks left! Kind of exciting to think that I will actually be a licensed teacher soon.

Monday- We got back from Guatemala and I had a terrible stomach ache so I did not go to school. I got ahead on some homework and just took it easy with Andrea and the other girls. It was Haley's 24th Birthday so we went to a vegetarian restaurant. We had to knock on the door of the cook and tell him we were there. He had three available things that night: Shrimp, fish, and veggie lasagna with tofu. I choose the lasagna. It was actually pretty good and it came with an awesome salad and fruit juice. All very healthy!

Tuesday- Went back to school and the kids had to take three different exams. The students actually enjoy taking exams and have to pay $2 because the teachers have to run off so much paper. My day at school was okay but it was a little boring because I just read the test questions to the students all day. That night Haley, Beth, Andrea and I had a little movie night on my bed with popcorn. It reminded me of home and I thought about how much I want to go to a movie theather when I get back. Can't wait!

Wednesday- Worst teaching day of my life. Ever. I arrived at school late because I had to go to the market to buy salad for Thursday's dinner. When I got there 5 minutes before the bell the principal told me that my cooperating teacher was out ill. I was to give three exams but I couldn't find them right away. I finally found two of them and the other one I had to make up on the spot. The students were not listening and I was trying so hard not to break down the entire morning. I gave the first spanish exam which was quite a struggle. The students couldn't read the words in spanish so I had to explain everything one by one. Everyone was on different questions and it was an absolute mess. After I got through that, I read a story to the students. They again were not listening too well but it was better than the test. Next was break and I was so stressed I had a girl buy my nachos at 10:00 am to drown my sorrows in. After break I threw in a comprehension activity for the students to do. This went okay but the kids were constantly asking me questions. If you have ever seen Sex and the City 2 when Charolette ends up crying in her cupboard after her daughters are really loud and stressing her out that's what I felt like times ten. Finally it was lunch time and I thought I was okay but then I just broke down especially after I opened my $170 phone bill. It felt good to let everything all out though. I then went back to school and the afternoon was a little better. I gave a Scripture exam which was pretty challenging for the students. Then I played silent ball and "Around the World" with the kids. After the break I gave them the health exam that I made up. At the end of the day I told the students to just go home because I was so stressed. I was very relieved when the day was over. That night I just did a lot of homework.

Thursday- Went much better! My math and language arts lessons were good and the students responded well. Teaching subtraction with regrouping and borrowing was difficult for the students but overall it was a good introduction. That night we had a huge Thanksgiving dinner at Ms. Elena's house. Andrea and I made salad and corn. I ate sooo much but it was absolutely delicious! I miss my grandma's pumpkin pies but oh well.... I will get one in less than a month now! I also got to talk to my grandma's and my dad. That made me very happy and made me want Christmas to be here already. Soon enough it will be though. I was a little upset that I got cut off from one of my grandma's calls but I will have to try again when I get another phone card.

Friday- Today was Children's Day!! Such a fun day. In the morning we went to the church to sing songs, pray and the classes gave little presentations. Being in the church made me feel really good and seeing the smiles on the students' faces was joyful. Next we had  a little break then we joined Infant 2 (1st grade) to watch a movie. The students (and myself) loved it. The movie was completed with popcorn and snacks. After the movie we had BBQ! So yummy. There was BBQ chicken, tortillas, beans, coleslaw, soda, cake and brownies. I was so full and decided that I need to cut down on the splurging soon. After lunch the different classes played volleyball. I even joined in on a teachers versus Standard 6 (7th Grade) volleyball match. We won! I stunk but I did help the team out a little. After school some of us girls just went to relax on the pier. Now I'm just going to do some homework so I'll have an easier weekend.

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and were able to spend time with the people they love!

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