"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dance, Dance

This past weekend was pretty uneventful which actually was nice! Saturday I did some homework and lesson planning, walked around PG and just hung out. That night we had a game night on our rooftop. I quickly became tired and went to bed at 10:30. I prefer going to bed early and waking up earlier here. The mornings are beautiful so I want to take advantage of them as much as I can.

On Sunday, I woke up early and went up to the rooftop to work on some homework and read a book. At about ten I biked to the pier or "wharf" to meet some of the girls. We laid out for quite a few hours and just relaxed and planned some of our upcoming weekend trips which I am excited for. Later that afternoon I came home to eat BBQ chicken, beans and coleslaw. I have never actually ate these three things before for a meal so that was pretty exciting! After lunch I did more homework and then went out to eat with some of the girls at a local restaurant. I had the best homemade lime juice/slushie I have ever tasted. Needless to say I gulped it down before my delicious fried chicken came. :)

On Monday I started to get a terrible headache. The students were doing their unit tests for math and social studies ALL.DAY.LONG. They were constantly asking for help and I was grading paper after paper. I had a good lunch but when I walked back to school I could hardly move my head it hurt so bad. I took aspirin but it didn't help. During the afternoon I started feeling like I had to vomit. After school I stayed with my teacher and talked about a few things. I had good intentions to plan some lessons that night but the internet was not working and I was feeling horrible. Consequently I took some Nyquil and went to bed at 7:30. I slept very hard and it felt AWESOME.

This morning I was refreshed and ready to attack the day. The kids took their language arts and science unit tests. The tests went better today and the kids were listening much better. They have also gotten extremely better at raising their hands and not calling out "Miss, Miss!" I felt so proud of the students. :) :) Also of note, I have become increasingly better at eating. I never worry about what we are going to have because I have been daring to eat anything. For some reason I like almost everything... well except for onions. Still can't eat them. At 2:45 on Tuesdays the students have "clubs". My teacher teaches dance and drama with another young teacher, Miss. Janice. They are practicing for the cultural dance on the 18th which is the day before the Garifuna celebration. As we were stretching my teacher asked if I danced and wanted to join in. I thought, "of course I dance!" So I agreed to join in with the girls from ages ten to 13. My teacher then informed me that I will be dressing up in Maya wear and performing the dance with the girls in front of the entire school. At first I was a little nervous but I thought this was be a great opportunity. After school my teacher, Janice and I made up the remaining steps. We will be performing to Shakira's Africa. During our practice I found it interesting to see one of my students with another club cutting the grass with a machete. Back home kids can't even really walk around with scissors and this seven year old was swinging a machete. This made me smile a little.

Tonight I will be doing lesson planning and nothing exciting. Yippee.

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