"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Perfectly Pleasant Placencia Weekend!

This weekend was wonderful. We woke up early Saturday morning to catch the express bus to Placencia ( the peninsula that we visited about a month ago).  Right away we put our things in our room and headed to the beach. It was sprinking on and off but we got in a good two hours. In the afternoon it really started to rain and by the evening it was downpouring at times. It was all good though because we were able to hang out, play cards and I finished a book. At night we went to eat at a place called the Tipsy Tuna. It is a newly re-done restaurant and bar. I had a huge fajita which looked more like a burrito. It was awesome but couldn't finish it! Don't worry... I ate the rest the next day. We went to bed at 9:30 that night. I started getting a cold so it was hard for me to sleep.

Sunday morning we went out to the beach around 6:30. The sun was up and we could tell it would be a great day. We laid out, ate a few snacks and I read a little less than a 200-page book. It was great. By the end of the day I was very pink! The waitress told me that I shouldn't lay out anymore. We finally came in around 3:45 to eat a little early dinner. Then we went to get some gelato from the best gelato place ever! I want to go back there soo bad. At 5 we hopped on a water taxi and headed back to the town of Independence. We had to sit around for half an hour on the street. Next we got on the school bus and rode it for 2 hours until we got back to PG. That night I tried to take care of my cold and just relaxed and finished homework.

Today was a good day at school. My lessons went well although it was hard to talk with my voice coming in and out. Thinking I might have to get my tonsils removed someday or something because this is the second time in 2 months that I am losing my voice! The life of a teacher I suppose. Hopefully my immunue system will be stronger than Chuck Norris one day. Anyways, it was a good day and my lessons went well. This week will definitely be busy with planning since I will be teaching a lot.

Happy Monday!

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